The Anna Lindh Foundation (http://www NULL.euromedalex in cooperation with BOZAR (the Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels) and Transeuropéennes (http://www NULL.transeuropeennes are pleased to announce a policy dialogue on ‘The state of play of translation across the Mediterranean’.
The event which will be attended by partners, cultural actors, policy makers and officials, will celebrate the official launch of a mapping study of translation flows in the Euro-Mediterranean region supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation. The study and its conclusions and recommendations aim to provide key elements in defining a long-term Euro-Med Translation Strategy, related actions and a debate around its findings and outcomes.
The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood policy, Stefan Füle (tbc), the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, André Azoulay, and the Director of Bozar, Mr. Paul Dujardin, will open the ceremony. An overview of the study will be presented by the Director of Transeuropéenes, Mrs Gislaine Glasson-Deschaumes, followed by a debate on the challenges, opportunities and good practices in the field of Translation among different stakeholders in the field namely the Egyptian writer, Khaled El Khamissy, the Director of the publishing house Dar El Saqi, Mr Andre Gaspard, and the Translator and Professor, Mrs Maria Kappala. The debate will be moderated by the Director of Next Page Foundation, Mrs Yana Genova. A questions and answers session will conclude the ceremony.
English-French simultaneous translation will be provided.
The debate will take place on 26 June, 17.30–19.30 at BOZAR (the Palais des Beaux Arts), Hall: Rotonde Bertouille, 23, Ravenstein street, 1000Brussels.
For more information on the report please click here (http://www NULL.euromedalex
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