The CEATL AGM took place online for the second year running, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 15th 2021, forty-two delegates from thirty-seven literary translators’ associations gathered virtually to elect a new board, comprising four former members and two new ones:

New CEATL Board. Left to right, top to bottom: Valérie Le Plouhinec, Shaun Whiteside, Miquel Cabal Guarro, Francesca Novajra, Lara Hölbling Matković and Justyna Czechowska.
Shaun Whiteside – President of the Board / Président du conseil d’administration (Translators Association, UK)
Lara Hölbling Matković – Secretary-General / Secrétaire général (Društvo hrvatskih književnih prevodilaca, Croatia)
Miquel Cabal Guarro – Treasurer / Trésorier (Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana, Spain)
Valérie Le Plouhinec – Secretary of the Board / Secrétaire du conseil d’administration (Association des traducteurs littéraires de France, France)
Francesca Novajra – Vice-President / Vice-président (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Italy)
Justyna Czechowska – Vice-president / Vice-président (Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury, Poland)
The association would like to thank profusely Morten Visby and Bjørn Herrman for the wonderful work they have carried out over the past years. We wish them all the best.
The various working groups (Authors’ Rights, Best Practices, Training and Education, Visibility, Working Conditions) met in advance of the AGM, at which their coordinators presented activity reports to the delegates.
A lot of work and projects have been going on despite the circumstances, and these will continue. Hopefully our next AGM will be held in person.