Strasbourg Conference – Programme
Wednesday, October 2 – Pavillon Joséphine (https://www NULL.strasbourg |
18.00-19.30 | Welcome cocktail | |
19.30-20.00 | Opening of the Conference |
CEATL and institutions: City of Strasbourg
20.00-21.30 | Literary evening with our guests of honor Polyphonic readings will give voice to the diversity of European languages. |
Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov, winner of the International Booker Prize 2023 for Time Shelter, and his translators: Helle Dalgaard (Danish)
Thursday, October 3 – European Parliament |
8.30-9.30 | Welcome, coffee-croissants | |
9.30-9.45 | Keynote speech The journey of a translated book |
Magda Heydel |
9.45-10.15 | Being translated The writer’s point of view |
Melinda Nadj Abonji Writer Co-President, Tesoro Interviewed by Tanja Petrič
10.30-11.15 | Translators on the cover A European report to reinforce the translation sector |
Arnaud Pasquali Policy Officer, European Commission (DG-EAC, Creative Europe) Xavier North Jürgen Jakob Becker Juliane Wammen Renate Punka
11.15-12.30 | Panel 1 Networks on the move Fostering diversity and the circulation of literary works |
Joris Smeets Policy Advisor, Flanders Literature, RECIT network Andrej Lovšin Alexandra Büchler Simina Popa Jörn Cambreleng Moderator: Yana Genova
12.30-13.00 | Creative Europe support to the book sector and literary translation |
Presentation by Arnaud Pasquali (DG EAC) and Corinne Rigaud (European Education and Culture Executive Agency)
13.00-14.00 | Networking lunch – European Parliament | |
14.00-16.00 |
Thematic workshops |
1. Dialogue with Creative Europe about its support systems
After the morning’s general presentation of the Creative Europe programme and its support for translation, this workshop will be an opportunity for all interested parties (translators, publishers, organisers of cooperative projects, etc.) to discuss the practical implementation of the programme with representatives of the Creative Europe agency: conditions of access, selection criteria, application submission platform. An expert involved in examining the applications and a publisher who has received support will also be on hand to share their experiences.
Corinne Rigaud
Head of Sector, European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Victoire Feuillebois
Associate Professor of literature and literary translation, University of Strasbourg
Maria de Lurdes Afonso
Editorial Coordinator, Antígona – Editores Refractários
2. Supporting the translation of foreign literature: benefits for the national and European ecosystems
The Translators on the Cover report noted that support of literary translation by local institutions should be a two-way street, to create a broad ecology of translated literature in their home territories. Supporting inbound translation (i.e. helping national publishers to translate foreign books into domestic languages) fosters cultural and linguistic diversity, promotes cooperation and provides a benchmark for quality and fair remuneration. The workshop will explore the challenges and benefits of these systems for the national book ecosystem and the circulation of works within Europe. Participants will be actively invited to share their experiences and questions.
Antje Contius
Executive Member of the Board, S. Fischer Stiftung (TRADUKI network)
Camilla Pargentino
Subsidy specialist, Dutch Foundation for Literature (ENLIT network)
3. Initial and continuous training for literary translators: best practices
Literary translator training programmes need to keep pace with a fast-changing profession. Since the Covid pandemic, many translation workshops and summer schools have moved online, making them more accessible and inclusive but at the expense of serendipity and sociability. Ethical issues of translator recognition and representation are more urgent than ever before, while the rapid rise of machine translation and generative artificial intelligence threatens literary translators’ intellectual property and job prospects.
This workshop brings together colleagues from inside and outside the academy who represent a variety of European training initiatives, degree programmes, translator houses and educator networks. They will introduce their activities, compare best practices and discuss ways of meeting the most significant challenges facing literary translation educators today.
Questions and contributions from audience members will be welcomed.
Duncan Large
Executive Director, British Centre for Literary Translation
Chair, PETRA-e network
Jürgen Jakob Becker
Executive Director, Deutscher Übersetzerfonds
Rosie Pinhas-Delpuech
ETL (École de traduction littéraire)
Françoise Wuilmart
Director,CETL (Centre européen de traduction littéraire)
4. Inclusion and diversity in literary translation: how to progress?
The Translators on the Cover report has noted that one of the key issues in the translation sector is the lack of diversity in regard to ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, and religious, cultural or socioeconomic background; and called for collective action to amend the situation.
In the UK, the Translators Association has taken a proactive stance, and the Visible Communities programme of National Centre for Writing is committed to extending opportunities to a broader intake of emerging or professional translators.
In Sweden, the Readers of the World programme of the Literary Translators Organisation has translators meet young people in public or school libraries to encourage multilingual children in disadvantaged areas to develop their linguistic skills and see them as a superpower.
Presentations of these initiatives (goals, benefits and challenges) will start a conversation about the ways and means of achieving more diversity and inclusion in our field.
Sawad Hussain
literary translator
Jan Kärrö,
Managing Director, Översättarcentrum (Swedish Literary Translators Organization)
5. Language equality: Translating to and from medium and small-sized languages
Sabine Kirchmeier
President, EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language)
Miquel Cabal Guarro
literary translator, AELC (Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana)
Special guest:
Bohdana Neborak
Editor, The Ukrainians Media
Curator of cultural projects
6. Tales and tails: issues and challenges in translating children’s and YA books
The term “books for young readers” refers to the entire gamut of children’s literature, ranging from picture books to novels for middle grade and young adult readers to graphic novels. Translating children’s and YA books is challenging. It requires careful consideration of language, cultural nuances, and the preservation of the original message and style, and demands a lot of creativity. In the translation of picture books, which is anything but simple, every word counts, and so does the relationship between text and pictures, while YA novels often tackle tough issues and complex topics using teen talk, which has to be conveyed in language that is as authentic as possible. In this workshop, we will tackle several issues related to the translation of children’s and YA books through examples and hands-on experiences.
Simona Mambrini
Literary translator, Translators’ Cafè at BCBF (Bologna Children’s Book Fair)
Lara Hölbling Matković
Literary translator
7. Sensitivity reading, self-censorship and inclusivity: dealing with offensive language, taboos and controversial issues in translation
The notion of sensitivity reading and a greater sensibility to issues such as gender, sexuality, racism or the representation of underprivileged groups have made some questions around literary translation more intense than ever in the last few years. What are the roles and responsibilities of the translators and publishers? What about the translator’s loyalty to the publisher, to the writer and the text and to the reader? Is there a risk of self-censorship when dealing with taboo or controversial issues? On what basis and criteria do we make difficult decisions? Are these issues handled differently in different countries? The workshop will be an opportunity for participants to share their own questions, points of view and practical experiences.
Beware: this is a workshop where the word “context” is bound to be spoken multiple times!
Johanna Hedenberg
Literary translator
Elżbieta Kalinowska
Literary translator
Editor, Foksal Publishing Group
16.00-16.15 | Pause | |
16.15-18.00 | Panel 2 Putting literary translation and translated literature in the spotlight How to arouse the reader’s interest? |
Presentation of the “Translators on the cover” campaign – Season II
Gabriela Stöckli Managing Director, Translation House Looren (Switzerland) |
Panel discussion | Maria de Lurdes Afonso Editorial Coordinator, Antígona – Editores RefractáriosOana Dobosi Managing Partner, La Două Bufnițe bookshop (Timișoara, Romania)
Ina Engelhardt Vladimir Arsenijević Dorota Swinarska Jürgen Boos Elena Pasoli Moderator: Lucie Campos
19.00 | Librairie Kléber Talk with avec Gaea Schoeters, winner of the European Union Prize for Literature for Le Trophée (Actes Sud), and her translator into French, Benoît-Thaddée Standaert. In collaboration with the Federation of European Publishers and the European and International Booksellers Federation. |
Friday, October 4 – European Parliament |
8.30-9.30 | Welcome, coffee-croissants | |
9.30-9.45 | MEP keynote speech Literary translation as part of “The Future of the European Book Sector” |
Speaker: tbc
09.45-11.30 | Panel 3 Literary translation and “artificial intelligence” Useful tool or false friend? |
Presentation How machine translation works |
Antonio Toral Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Computational Linguistics Research Group, University of Groningen
Panel discussion | James Hadley Director, Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation
André Hansen Ela Varošanec Krsnik Monika Pfundmeier Katharine Throssell Moderator: Christophe Rioux
11.45-13.30 | Panel 4 Gathering data on literary translation markets and mapping grant opportunities Challenges and benefits |
Enrico Turrin Deputy Director, Federation of European Publishers
Robert Alagjozovski Julià Florit Martin Krafl Íñigo Cebollada Nicolas Roche Moderator: Sinéad Mac Aodha
13.30-14.45 | Networking lunch – European Parliament | |
14.45-15.00 | Translating for the audiovisual sector carte blanche to AVTE (Audiovisual Translators Europe) |
Amalie Foss President, AVTE
15.00-15.15 | “Translating the world” carte blanche to FIT (International Federation of Translators) |
Sandra Mouton Translator, Secretary General of FIT Europe Member, Société française des traducteurs (SFT)
Jan Naess
15.15-16.45 | Panel 5 Translating and publishing as a political act Europe and freedom of speech in the 21st century |
Jorgen Christian Wind Nielsen Vice-Chair, Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee /TLRC – PEN International
Alena Makouskaya Julie Belgrado Ágnes Orzóy Nadya Kandrusevich Furkan Özkan Moderator: Justyna Czechowska
16.45-17.00 | Closing of the conference | Audrey Azoulay Director general, UNESCO |
17.15-18.00 | Visit of the European Parliament proposed to participants | |
18.30 | Musée Tomi Ungerer Translation slam : “Traduire le webtoon”. In collaboration with Association des traducteurs littéraires de France. |
Saturday, October 5 |
Morning | Visits of the city of Strasbourg proposed to participants – guided tour on foot, cruise on the canal. |