From 19-26 March 2017 the Robert Bosch Foundation and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin will host a seminar for professional translators of German literature. With financial support from the Goethe-Institut, S. Fischer Foundation, Traduki and the Pro Helvetia foundation, the seminar is open to 30 translators from all over the world.
The seminar will be held in Literarische Colloquium in Berlin (http://www NULL.lcb Participants will be informed of recent developments in German literature, with authors, publishers and literary critics contributing to the proceedings. A visit to the Leipzig Book Fair is also included in the programme.
Travel expenses and, if needed, hotel accommodation in Berlin and Leipzig will be covered by the organisation.
Candidates are requested to send in the application form by 20 november 2016 at the latest.
For more information and an application form, please click here (http://www NULL.lcb NULL.htm#pk_campaign=NL_2016-11).