Oct 24, 2024 | Bologna, Children, Rights
In the spring of 2024, the Bologna Children’s Bookfair asked CEATL to join in a new collective project: a video programme of literary translators reading out the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. The initiative is part of a partnership between BCBF and CEATL that, since 2022, has promoted best practice in literary translation and copyright.
Apr 19, 2024 | Bologna Children's Bookfair, Italy, Translators' Café
Another busy #BCBF came to an end last week. Here are some observations from four intensive days of Bookfair meetings, workshops and events where CEATL had quite a few things to do!
Mar 1, 2023 |
The Translators’ Café at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair introduces two interesting panels: One organized by the CEATL about the specialty that is translating children’s and YA literature – what are the special requirements and do they differ within Europe? There will also be a talk about translating Calvino […]
May 4, 2020 | Bologna, Bookfair, Coronavirus, Roberto Piumini
A “playful antivirus” made of words that cross borders and fly all around the world to enter the homes of boys and girls. The children’s rhyme about the coronavirusIs There Something in the Air?(Che cos’è che in aria vola?), written by Roberto Piumini, one of Italy’s most beloved children’s authors, will soon be available in about thirty languages thanks to the many translators who volunteered their efforts.