During the next CEATL AGM, which will take place from 2-4 June in Barcelona, the Spanish and Catalan translators’ associations AELC (http://www NULL.escriptors NULL.cat/), ACEC (http://www NULL.acec-web NULL.org/cat/default NULL.asp) and ACE Traductores (http://www NULL.ace-traductores NULL.org/) will organise a public event.
On 3 June, literary expert Laura Borràs will interview translators Martha Tennent and Francesc Parcerisas. about literary translation between Catalan and English. Music will be provided by Borja Penalba and admission is free.
Date: Friday 3 June 2016
Time: 8 pm
Venue: Palau Moja, Portaferrisa, 1 (City Centre, Barcelona)
For a description on how to get to the venue, please click here (http://cultura NULL.gencat NULL.cat/ca/departament/estructura_i_adreces/organismes/dgpc/direccio_general/palau_moja/) (information in Catalan) or here (http://www NULL.en NULL.mhcat NULL.cat/content/view/full/5960) (in English, Spanish and Catalan).

Palau Moja, Barcelona