The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators awarded the 2015 Sovre Prize to the famous Slovenian translator and philologist Mojca Kranjc for her translation of the novel Der Fälscher, die Spionin und der Bombenbauer by the Swiss author Alex Capus. The translation, Švindler, špijonka in človek z bombo, was published by Mladinska knjiga in their celebrated new collection Moderni roman/Modern novel.
The Sovre Prize, named after Anton Sovre (1885-1963), Slovenian philologist and translator, is Slovenia’s main award for literary translations. The award is endowed with about 3000 Euros and will also lead to interviews with the prizewinning translator in the main newspapers, national radio and possibly also on television. The awarded translator automatically becomes a member of the jury for next year’s Sovre Prize.
The ceremony was held on 22 October 2015 at the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators.

Mojca Kranjc (Photographer: Vinko Avsenak)