On 30 November 2018 Françoise Wuilmart, literary translator and one of CEATL’s founding members, was interviewed at the University of Western Australia. The interview took place on the initiative of Prof. Alexandra Ludewig, head of the department of translation studies (https://study NULL.uwa NULL.edu NULL.au/Courses/translation-studies).
Graduates of the department work as professional literary translators or use their bilingualism or multilingualism in other professions.
What does being a literary translator entail? In the interview Dr. Patricia Benstein (https://www NULL.peterlang NULL.com/view/title/63595?tab=aboutauthor&result=146&rskey=lqjZL3), research fellow at the University of Western Australia and lecturer at Goethe University in Frankfurt, asks Wuilmart about her experiences and views on the art and craft of literary translating.
To watch the interview, please click here (https://www NULL.youtube NULL.com/watch?v=vgfoyyqr6iM&feature=youtu NULL.be).