Literary translators took a front seat at this year’s International Book Festival (http://www NULL.konyvfesztival NULL.html) in Budapest, that took place from 23 to 26 April, as the book industry’s four-day festivities unfolded for the 22nd year running, in the spacious grounds of Millenáris Park in the heart of the city. This is the second year that Hungarian translators are making their presence felt at major literary events, much to everyone’s satisfaction.

Poster for the book fair (design: Mónika Zsuzsanna NAGY)
Aiming to increase the public visibility of literary translators, the Association of Hungarian Literary Translators (http://www NULL.muforditok by organizing its own programme. Festivalgoers could test their literary savvy with a spot-the-translator quiz, matching quotes from various well-known texts to their often lesser-known Hungarian counterparts. Friendly consulting hours throughout the event invited the audience to personally meet the translators and discover their newly published works, as well as gain insight to this indispensable part of the Hungarian literary tradition.

One of the translators’ events at the book fair (photograph: Tamás Kende)