Feb 7, 2020 | Czech Republic
The Susanna Roth Award is an annual competition for beginner translators up to 40 years of age, whose task is to translate a piece of contemporary Czech prose. […]
Jan 7, 2020 | Denmark
The Danish Translators’ Association (DOF) was founded in 1944 and thus celebrated 75 years of existence in 2019. To mark the occasion, and not least to pay homage to the members and their contribution to the Danish literary landscape […]
Nov 11, 2019 | Italy
According to official statistics, in Italy more and more books are being published every year. Yet the workers in the publishing sector do not seem to derive any advantage from this: the fees are lower than ever and working conditions are increasingly hard. […]
Nov 8, 2019 | Czech Republic, Norway
At Frankfurt International Book Fair, translators were paid a homage by the Norwegian writer Erika Fatland, who said that “Translators, who are often ignored, are the heroes of literature that I deal with every day.” […]
Oct 16, 2019 | Norway
The 2019 Bastian Prize for Outstanding Literary Translation was awarded in the course of the International Translation Day celebrations in Oslo on 26 September 2019. The Bastian is the annual translation prize of the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators’ (Norsk Oversetterforening). […]
Jun 3, 2019 | Italy
The Casa delle Traduzioni in Rome, a public library and cultural centre specializing in the subject of translation, awards funded residencies for translators working from Italian into their native language. […]
Apr 14, 2019 | Poland
Sitting for hours and typing away? With their noses in books and dictionaries? Aha, only apparently so! The lives of translators are full of exciting adventures and extraordinary experiences, although most of these happen in their heads.W głowie tłumaczy (‘Inside the translator’s head’) is the first comic (maybe even on a global scale, though we can’t be certain) about translators and their work: […]
Dec 4, 2018 | Basque Country, Bulgaria
Last year representatives from EIZIE (Euskal Itzultzaile, Zuzentzaile eta Interpreteen Elkartea, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of the Basque Language) traveled to Slovenia as part of the New Translators programme, and this year we were in Bulgaria October 17-19 to discuss the importance of translation in the development of literature and in Basque culture, among other things. […]
Oct 20, 2018 | Czech Republic
Michala Marková, a renowned translator from English and French, wrote an open letter to the Czech Radio Council, expressing her concerns about the unacceptable statement of one of its members, Tomáš Kňourek, who reacted to a broadcasted excerpt from her translation of The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst. Mr Kňourek called the author a ‘lecher’ dressed as a writer and his writing ‘filth’, irrelevantly attacked the United Kingdom and its approach to migration, mentioned the Muslim minority as ‘people’ in quotation marks, and implicitly suggested censorship would be welcome while attacking the editor in chief of the highly acclaimed radio station. […]
Jul 16, 2018 | Sweden
Swedish translators have entered into an agreement with the Bonnier Publishing Group almost a year to the day after the former Standard Contract between the Publishers’ Association and the Translators’ Section of the Swedish Writers’ Union was terminated. […]
Apr 6, 2018 | Italy
A panel on how to become a literary translator, organised by Amazon Publishing on 10 March 2018 within the Milan book fair ‘Tempo di Libri’, was the occasion for Italian translators’ associations to follow up on a dialogue with AmazonCrossing about their contracts with translators.
This dialogue started in 2014, after a European campaign involving VdÜ, Strade, ATLF and CEATL. A meeting between the parties was organized at the 2014 Frankfurt book fair. This meeting brought some improvements in AmazonCrossing’s standard translation contract and the parties left with an agreement to continue discussions as CEATL still didn’t deem it satisfactory. […]
Mar 28, 2018 | Netherlands
On 12 March 2018, the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven, presented the Cultural Policy for 2018 to 2021. Two positive points stand out: after years of austerity, the government will start making investments in culture again and secondly, reasonable remuneration for workers in the sector is explicitly mentioned. […]