Dec 4, 2018 |
On 9 October 2018 CEATL’s Working Group on Copyright met in Warsaw. As part of their meeting they organised a public event on translators’ rights.
A podcast of the meeting, held in English, is now available. […]
Oct 29, 2018 | Catalonia
The Catalan Writers’ Association (AELC) just took the first step of the Small is Great project, a new initiative of CEATL’s Working Group on Training and Education. On Wednesday 3 October, AELC organised a roundtable at the Liber book fair in Barcelona. The session ‘Small languages, big translations’, […]
Oct 1, 2018 | Italy
From 5 to 7 October 2018, the 16th edition of ‘Giornate della Traduzione Letteraria’ (Literary Translation Days), organized by Stefano Arduini and Ilide Carmignani, will take place at Link Campus University of Rome, Italy. Translators, publishers, writers and scholars will take part in seminars and debates to analyse the issues and future perspectives for literary translators. […]
Sep 28, 2018 | Bulgaria, Catalonia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Europe, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom
On 24 May 2017, the United Nations General Assembyl recognised 30 September as International Translation Day, to be celabrated every year across the entire UN network. Translators’ associations all over Europe organise a variety of festive events. To name a few: […]
May 4, 2018 | Denmark, Europe
This year, the annual meeting of the CEATL will take place in Copenhagen, and as part of this gathering, the delegates and the general public are invited to a special edition of the literary event The Red Couch. […]
Apr 29, 2018 | Italy
For the nineteenth consecutive year, the Turin International Book Fair is organizing a number of activities of special interest to translators, under the title AutoreInvisibile.
From Thursday 10 May to Sunday 13 May 2018, translators, publishers and writers will participate in seminars and discussions on current issues in literary translation. […]
Mar 23, 2018 | Bulgaria
At the end of 2017 the Bulgarian Translators’ Union organised an evening dedicated to literary translator Iglika Vassileva and her interpretation of the works of Virginia Woolf in Bulgarian. It was the twentieth anniversary of the first publication of Vassileva’s translation of To the Lighthouse and a birthday anniversary of the admired translator. […]
Mar 15, 2018 | Czech Republic
Hosted by Vaclav Havel Library, the series ‘Lost in Translation’ is a chance for translators, editors and other representatives of publishing houses, big and small, as well as publishers owned by large media groups, to exchange their experiences, expectations, complaints and grievances, and to comment on the situation in the choked book market from their respective points of view. […]
Mar 15, 2018 | Romania
Romania will be the focus country at this year’s Leipzig Book Fair (15-18 March 2018). Among many other events on Romanian literature, the fair will also host a talk on literary translators and their efforts to create professional associations defending their rights. […]
Feb 18, 2018 | Spain
In collaboration with two bookshops in Madrid and Barcelona, Casa del Libro Gran Vía and Casa del Libro Passeig de Gràcia, ACE Traductores has launched the Club de Lectura Traducida, a very particular book club where readers will have the opportunity to share their reading experience with the translator of the book in question. The translators themselves offer to participate in the club with a particular piece of work and then the association promotes and provides widespread coverage of the event. […]
Dec 15, 2017 | Basque Country, Slovenia
Building on last year’s New Translators programmme, two representatives of EIZIE (Euskal Itzultzaile, Zuzentzaile eta Interpreteen Elkartea, the Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of the Basque Language) travelled to Slovenia this year to take part in discussions about the spread of Basque culture and translation. […]
Dec 3, 2017 | Italy
It has been a busy autumn for the Italian Union of Literary Translators Strade.
Starting at the beginning of October, the association was one of the main co-operating partners of the Migrant Literatures Festival in Palermo, Sicily, which hosted a series of events under the title “Lost (and Found) in Translation”. A public meeting with representatives from the Italian Ministry of Culture, the association of independent publishers ODEI, the Municipality of Palermo and Strade opened the whole festival, by promoting the latter’s proposal to establish a State foundation supporting translation (as it is the case in many other countries). ¨…*